
Garden & Democracy

The project
GarDem aims to produce support schemes for the creation and development of community gardens as forward learning centres. We focus on developing gardening and environmental sustainability training curriculum and programme. We want to raise awareness on democratic values and opportunities for community and civic participation in local communities.
Partner organisations from Norway, Greece, Belgium, Lithuania, and Italy
We develop forward-looking learnings centres through support schemes, training curriculum and offering lifelong skills.

About GarDem

GarDem is working towards turning community gardens to local learning centres for adult education, developing guidance on the organisation and support the operation of such environments. The purpose is primarily to strengthen democratic attitudes through engagement and participation, but also secondarily to promote resilience and adaptability to the changes and uncertainties due to climate crisis.

Community gardens can be used to develop important capacities by exposing citizens to the connection between their private interests and the public interest. Turning these spaces such as community gardens into learning centres and adult education spaces, which will provide guided activities and participation, is an innovative approach to tackle the declining support for democracy through guided civic voluntary participation.

Therefore, the aim is to raise awareness on democratic values and opportunities for community and civic participation in local communities of countries represented in the consortium. Lastly, it aims to provide lifelong skills through the availability of the training material after the completion of the project and the dissemination activities.

virtual exchanges