"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
Social Entrepreneurship Courses
15 Social entrepreneurship courses were organised in 4 countries. The courses consists of 5 modules of 20 hours each (total of 100 hours). Each modules combines in-class and out-class assignments all managed through the online platform Moodle. After the course, participantes received a certification of participation. A total of 243 people from over 40 countries participated and 193 finalized the courses and received the certification.
Peer review
The project partners visited the different courses settings and talked with the participants. The main aim was to evaluate the quality of the courses, the satisfaction of the participants and overall to see what could be improved.
Train-the-trainers courses
In order to foster the sustainability measures of the project, each project partner organised 2 train-the-trainers with at least 10 participants each. The activites were held online due to Covid-19 preventive measures. The courses aimed at transferring the know-how on organising the courses. Additional sessions were organised for participants who would like to organise BEST courses and required additional information.
Business Brunches
A total of 15 Business Brunches were organised by project partners
BEST Newsletters
Altogether the Consortium published 5 newsletters that collected the main information of the project BEST. You can find all the newsletter here:
Round tables
The round tables are networking activities that aim at connecting public stakeholders on the topics of the project to support the sustainability measures and support the transfer of know-how collecting during the implementation of the project BEST.